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New Thursday Kitchen Menu


Our new menu proved very popular last week, with several groups of parents enjoying a “Mini Cheeseboard” while watching training, and a number of our Juniors trying out the new “Junior Special”, while their parents (and grandparents!) enjoyed an adult meal. It was wonderful to see so many happy smiling faces around the clubrooms, all enjoying being part of the Melville Hockey Family.

Anyone is welcome to come and dine at the club – you don’t need to be training on Thursdays to join in, and family and friends are always welcome! We would REALLY appreciate everyone pre-ordering their meals, so that we can cater accordingly.

This week we have PASTA on the menu:

* Beef Ravioli with Salad OR Spinach and Ricotta Agnolotti with Salad $12

* Junior Special – Ravioli and Chips $7 (served after training from 6-7pm only)

* Vegetable Soup and Bread Roll $7 – for those training late, who want a light meal to take home afterwards

* Mini Cheese Board – perfect for parents to share as they watch their children train

As always, you need to pre-order all of these items to guarantee availability: ORDER HERE